Human behaviors - society - reflection - education - transformation - visibility - social criticism
Humancía has the added value of being a company with very young professional dancers. In this way, we also want to get closer to a young audience that can feel attracted and represented by our dancers and thus, promote the consumption of culture of this group of our society, who will be the future of our country. Thus, through dance and culture, we want to influence reflection and changes in progress in order to achieve a more conscious society.
The company was born and consolidated at the end of 2020 after several seasons creating short pieces and showing them in different spaces.
The name Humancía arises from the company's mission to deal with human issues and social awareness in the pieces that are created. That's why human-cia (company). Thus, the pieces seek to carry out a social and educational action, always dealing with issues of criticism and social reflection, understanding art as a socializing element.